Scotland: Edinburgh in 1 day

Happy November 1st everyone! It’s almost the end of the year and I am so grateful the last quarter of the year is a busy one. Last month, I went on my first Europe tour.

It took us almost 31 hours (with layover) and 3 airline flights to reach Scotland. I must say,  totally worth it! I heard many times that Scotland is beautiful and I can now agree 100%.

We only spent 1 whole day to explore its capital, Edinburgh as we need to travel to Isle of Skye the following day (read our Isle of Skye adventure here Scotland: A Road Trip to Isle of Skye (Part 1) and here Scotland: A Road Trip to Isle of Skye (Part 2).

We stayed at the Crowne Plaza Royal Terrace

Not to be missed is a visit to Edinburgh Castle as nothing beats the vibe of the medieval time of this place.wp-1477158501566.jpeg



Statue of Earl Haig
View from Edinburgh Castle


You can see a great view of Edinburgh’s skyline from the castle.2016-10-23-12.32.29-1-01.jpeg.jpeg

We entered the war museum inside the castle. It will give you an idea of the situation and condition of the prisoners of war.



The grounds of Edinburgh Castle feels like stepping back in time!wp-1477333981802.jpeg

Royal Palace

Touristy thing to do but I love checking out souvenir shops.

Scottish whiskey

Shortbread cookies became an instant hit to me and I brought home a lot of boxes.wp-1477158366398.jpeg


Next was a stroll and window shopping along the street of Royal Mile.wp-1477158356598.jpeg

We stopped at St. Giles Cathedral which is a major place of worship in Edinburgh.wp-1477158342473.jpeg

Stained glass windows at St. Giles Cathedral

We do not really have an itinerary and just kept walking. I’ve never seen any architecture or building that is medieval so  everything looks fascinating to me.


When night falls, most of the buildings are light up and makes the atmosphere romantic and inviting for a stroll despite the chilly weather. 2016-10-23-12.26.21-1.jpg.jpeg


Oh Scotland, my first taste of Europe and you made me crave for more.

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